地支 Di Zhi - Earthly Branches

What are the 12 earthly branches (Dì Zhī 地支)?

“內經: 天分五氣, 五氣分流,散支于十干” "Nei Jing: The sky is divided by the five Qi (phases), and the branches are scattered in the Ten Stems". Further, “The sky is divided by six poles, and each has its own division (Yang and Ying). A day is divided into six Yang and six Yin therefore, there are 12 branches in a day".

Depending on the perspective, the Earth rotates around its own axis 360 degrees within 24 hours, which is a day, or from the geocentric perspective, the sun takes around 24 hours to revolve around the earth. Either way, the sky (the dome where the stars as ornaments are placed) is divided into six sectors; each of the six divisions has its own Yang/Yin phase. With this, we get 12 sectors in 360 degrees, which are equal to 12 double hours within 24 hours.

Each of the six/twelve divisions/sectors covers a specific asterism along the ecliptic.
While the divisions of the heavenly stems are dynamic, the earthly branches are constant.

What are these 12 characters of the Earthly Branches?

Unlike the heavenly stem characters, which represent asterism around the ecliptic right from the beginning, the twelve characters (the ancient version of the character) of the earthly branches were initially neither asterism nor farming symbols but referred to 12 out of 28 moon phases that morphed as markers into the ecliptic coordinates.

These 12 characters are reused to indicate the 12 Jupiter nodes (year branch, Chinese zodiacs), the 12 months, the 12 moon phases within a month (day branch), and the 12 double hours.

Different regions in China at different times used variations of the 12 characters; therefore, 12 different types of animal symbols were attached to the 12 characters (sectors or phases) to improve their recognisability.

年 Nián: Year

木星 MùXīng: The planet Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system; it has a twenty times stronger magnetic field than Earth's. It completes its cycle around the sun every twelve years, which roughly correlates with the 12 lunar cycles on the elliptic path. Each of these 12 cycles has its own astronomical name and is known as (十二次 Shí'èr cì) or (十二分野 Shí'èr fēn yě) Jupiter terms, or nodes.

From the geocentric orbital viewpoint, the direction to which the handle of the natural compass, the Big-Dipper, points when the new moon appears in the same sector (Zodiac) as the planet Jupiter is known as 太歲 Tai Sui, the "Grand Duke of Jupiter” or in short (歲星 Suì xīng), the year star.

Although each 太歲 Tai Sui node/ station has its own astronomical name, which is distinct from the Jupiter nodes, each year-branch is depicted with animal symbols and is recognized easily as the Chinese zodiacs.

When the Earth takes 12 years (twelve times) to revolve the sun, the planet Jupiter revolves the sun once every 11.86 years. This discrepancy causes a shift of the zodiac every 86 years; therefore, the (歲星紀年 Suìxīng jì nián) Jupiter year recording system has been abolished since the later Han dynasty.

月 Yuè: Month

The Month-Branch indicates the earth's position around the sun and the transition of seasons. The Lunisolar calendar year starts in February and is depicted with a tiger. The beginning days of the months are not equal to the first day of the western calendar. Each of the twelve months is also depicted with the same animal symbols used for the years. The month passes one to four of the 28 constellations along the ecliptic every month, which the planet Jupiter culminates in during the year.

月令 Yuè ling: The Month Commander or Month Order.

For event prediction, the month is the starting point to analyze BaZi, the eight-character fate calculation system. In the practical application, the moon phases, the Big Dipper tail, the appearance of the stars, and the climate must be observed.

天 Tiān: Day

The Day Branch indicates the moon's position/ phases around the Earth. The day branches are also depicted with the twelve animal symbols. The day in the month concerns us most in our daily activities; thus, the heavenly stem in the day is taken as the master regarding other elements in the chart; therefore, it is called the 日元 Day Master.

時 Shí: Hour

(十二時辰 Shí'èr shíchén) The Twelve Double-Hours. The Hour-Branch indicates the earth's phase rotation on its own axis. Each Chinese hour consists of two hours; the day is divided into 12 instead of 24 hours. The twelve animal symbols are also used to depict the twelve two-hour blocks.

地支 12 Earthly Branches
Branches Hours Month Hidden Stems
子 Zi Rat 23:00 - 01:00 December 癸 Gui
丑 Chou Ox 01:00 - 03:00 January 己 Ji 辛 Xin 癸 Gui
寅 Yin Tiger 03:00 - 05:00 February 甲 Jia 戊 Wu  丙 Bing
卯 Mao Rabbit 05:00 - 07:00 March 乙 Yi
辰 Chen Dragon 07:00 - 09:00 April 戊 Wu 癸 Gui 乙 Yi
巳 Si Snake 09:00 - 11:00 Mai 丙 Bing 戊 Wu 庚 Geng
戊 Wu Horse 11:00 - 13:00 June 丁 Ding 己 Ji
未 Wei Ram 13:00 - 15:00 July 乙 Yi 丁 Ding 己 Ji
申 Shen Monkey 15:00 - 17:00 August 戊 Wu 庚 Geng 壬 Ren
酉 You Rooster 17:00 - 19:00 September 辛 Xin
戌 Xu Dog 19:00 - 21:00 October 丁Ding 戊 Wu 辛 Xin
亥 Hai Pig 21:00 - 23:00 November 甲 Jia 壬 Ren